This game is a simulation sandbox, and is a submission for the 1-BIT JAM #5

Goal: This game has no specific goals, you can do whatever you want, help one team or balance out the map, create art or random logical structures, whatever soothes your brain.

Game instructions:


  • 'Space' updates the map 
  •  'F' to hide/show the UI. 
  • 'R' to reload the fame
  • 'Left mouse button' to select and use tools

Game Features:

Teams: There are two teams fighting for domination on the map, the light and the dark

Points: Using each tool costs points, you also get a point each time you update the map.


  1. Scythe tool, this can remove team tiles, at the cost of a point
  2.  Machinery, this structure will generate tiles for the team of your choice
  3. Demolishing tool, this can demolish placed structures and give you back a point
  4. Wall tool, this creates an indestructable wall, you can demolish it but you get no points back
  5. Pump structure, This will pump points for you and you can only have two of them, when placed it will be assigned to a random team, this can be destroyed by enemy tiles ( you can enclose them in walls)
  6.  The cleanup tool just removes all team tiles

For everyone: If you like this project of mine, please follow me and comment below,  i'd like to do more projects as a team with other people.

Heart art

Thank you for visiting :)

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